Terminal Commands : Here in this module i'll be going through some basic commands that may be very useful when we are using a command prompt/Terminal or some other computer system like linux etc. So I'm currently using a mac book air version where I have got a pre-installed terminal otherwise you can find it in your files in drives/files in your computer system(ALERT: I'm using MAC BOOK AIR TERMINAL) 1. So the first command is cd ( which actually stands for change directory 2. ls (it will get the total list in that directory) 3. ls -l (we get the list of everything in a list) 4. clear (This command is used to clear all the commands in the terminal) 5. pwd (This command is very much used to know in which path we are in or the location we are moving) 6. cd ../ (This command is used to go back one step or in other words go back to the previous path or directory) 7. mkdir (We make a directory which means to create a folder on our current directory...