Hello Guys, Im kaushik Tummalapalli and recently I got selected as an MSP for 2020-2021 and MSP actually stands for Microsoft Student Partner.

Some Basic Glance about MSP:

Microsoft Student Partners (MSPs) are student technology leaders, empowered to build Microsoft communities on their campus and share their deep knowledge and passion for technology with their fellow classmates. Spanning more than 100 countries around the world, MSPs receive:

Leadership Experience - Host fun workshops, run hackathons, and give demos on campus to grow a community of students.

Resume Building - Enhance their promotional skills, add to their professional technology experience, and work alongside Microsoft professionals.

Exclusive Access - Receive insider training, exposure to career opportunities, and access to the latest technology events.

Some Important tips to get selected in this program as an MSP:

1> If you have passion in technology you have a greater chance to get accepted for this program!
2> Helping people in your community will increase your communication skills. So improve your communication skills too!
3>You have to be a passionate person who actually thrives to achieve something in life which actually helps lots of people across the world. For an instance, I choose MACHINE LEARNING and  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE technologies because many problems in this current world like pollution, scarcity of natural resources,Hunger,Terrorism and you name any! can be SOLVED OR ERADICATED using the above technologies.I wanna make some positive impact to people's lives and want to make the earth a better place to live!This was my inspiration for choosing my techologies.So CHOOSE WISELY!
--->>If anyone have any doubts about the MSP program do contact me!

**Some Important Resources and Links to know more about MSP:

So thats all about the todays topic about MSP's and stay tuned for the next post and have a great day.


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